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Did you know that the word migrant and the word refugee don’t refer to the same person? However they are often confused and treated in the same way, even if they should not. So, let’s say who precisely they are and what is the difference between them.


A migrant is a person who chooses to move from his/her country in order to improve the future prospect of themselves and their family; sometimes this migration is forced by natural disasters.

The government of a migrant is sympathetic and gives them rights.


A refugee is a person who is forced to move from his/her country in order to preserve his/her freedom; if they don’t move, they are condemned to death.

The government of a refugee persecute them and gives them no rights.


An asylum seeker is very similar to a refugee. In fact this is a person who asks another country to allow him/her to live and work there, because in his/her country he/she is persecuted or maybe there is a war.



Human Smuggling

It is the attempted transportation or illegal entry of person across an international border. The person who is being smuggled is generally cooperating and he/she is considered as an accomplice in the crime.

Human Trafficking

It is the trade of people with the purpose of selling them as sexual slaves or force them to hard work. The victims are often under 18 years of age.

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